This game will have frame perfect platforming, puzzles, and combat. Follow the story of Sam as she delves into a cave deeper and deeper making friends along the way in order to save her father. This is currently a work in progress and I update it regularly.

Changes and Updates to the demo:

10 cave levels added 8/4/24

Save feature added 8/5/24

More save spots and content added 8/7/24

More content 8/10/24

More Cave levels content and changes 8/11/24

Save changes and start menu added and more 8-14-24

Added color and changed ui elements. New badges. 08-17-24.



Sam Balam 512 kB

Install instructions

When downloading the rom you will need an emulator. Search up and they will have an emulator for the Gameboy.


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Hi everyone. I'm new at this so I am updating as I go. Thank you!